
Hungarian Songs In Celebration Of Wine

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2006
Item number: ERCD088
Length: 78:10
Genre: folk music
Construction: plastic

From a spiritual, cultural and philosophical point of view, wine has special significance in human history. We can list artist and philosophers from ancient times to the present who have been inspired by it and embarked upon its praise.
In his work entitled „The Philosophy of Wine” (A Bor filozófiája) the Hungarian writer Béla Hamvas declares that wine is a spiritual essence, which embodies order and harmony. Its consumption raises a man to a state of consciousness above and beyond the everyday. According to him, wine people are different from people that drink pálinka (a strong fruit brandy) - in their thoughts, emotions, their whole life style and even in their movements. Wine people are like Muses for whom drinking is a spiritual act; ritual. Hungarians are also a Muse-like people. For Hungarians and the other peoples that live amongst them, wine holds a place of honor.

1. Fiastyúk Énekegyüttes: Bordalok Somogyból, Zalából / Wine Songs From Somogy And Zala Counties

2. Csalóka: Lakodalmi borosnóták Gombosról és Doroszlóról / Wine Songs For Wedding From Gombos And Doroszló
3. Juhász Katalin – Szabó Zoltán: Balatonfelvidéki asszonyfarsang / Women’s Carnival – Upper Balaton Region

4. Musica Hisorica: Diák bordalok és tusok a sárospataki és a debreceni kollégiumból, 1770-1820 / Wine Songs And Marches From Students Of The Sárospatak and Debrecen Dormitories, 1770-1820
5. Guzsalyas Énekcsoport: Lakodalmas borivó nóták Zoborvidékről és Szlavóniából / Tunes For Drinking Wine At The Wedding – From Zobor Region And Slavonia
6. Gajdos Zenekar: Három hordó borom van... / I Have Three Barrels Of Wine
7. Ökrös Kamara: „Noé mondja...” / „Noah Says”

8. Técsői Banda: Asztalozó, kolomejka és máramarosi román tánc / Table Song, Kolomejka, Romanian Dance From Máramaros
9. Téka Együttes: Vasárnap bort inni / Sunday Wine Drinking
10. Turai Énekmondók: Somogyi mulatódalok / Songs For Celebrating From Somogy County
11. Ultra Mari Társaság: Csíki nóták. Lassú és zsuka / Tunes From Csík Region (Transylvania). Slow, Zsuka
12. Tabulatúra régizene-együttes: Tinódi Lantos Sebestyén: Sokféle részögösről / Tinódi Lantos Sebestyén: About All Kinds Of Drunks (Krónika, XV.)

13. Etnofon Zenei Társulás: Ady verbunkja / Ady’s Verbunk

Related presses:

Various: Noé mondta/Noah Once Said (fROOTS)

CD's price: 14.00 USD

