
Berkó ensemble

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2007

Item number: ER-CD 095

Length: 49:40

Genre: folk music

Construction: digipack

The Berkó Ensemble is ten years old in 2007 year. This record is a celebration of taht anniversary.

"Thanks to our personal experiences with musicians in the village of Méra (in the Kalotaszeg region of Transylvania), the music of that region forms the backbone of this record - from the dawn songs all the way to the Gypsy csárdás. Our experiences in Kalotaszeg have also helped us play the other music heard on this recording. In the last few years, the traditional style of playing has changed a lot. The violin is slowly being replaced by the saxophone, the viola and accordion by the 'orga' or synthesizer, the double bass by drums or bass guitar. New melodies are coming into the repertoire; at weddings the music blasts out through amplifiers. Romanian, Gypsy and Hungarian music are getting all mixed together.

These changes are reflected in the final track on this record, wherein the guitar and saxophone have been borrowed from the city music and added to the virtuoso violin style and traditional accompaniment. This is a kind of experiment blending the cocept of traditional music with new possibilities."

Berkó Ensemble

Csaba Soós – violin

Zoltán Bobár – voice, accordion, 3 stringed viola, "Sajó" viola, synthesizer, drums

Márton Éri – 3 stringed viola, 4 stringed viola

András Bognár – double bass


Kálmán Balogh – cimbalom

Péter Bede – saxophone

Milós Both – guitar

Péter Éri – voice

Pál Havasréti – voice

György Lányi – voice

1. Két és fél (Kalotaszegi cigánycsárdás, csingerálás)

2. Péterlaki cigánycsárdás

3. Széki Magyar és sűrű tempó

4. Megyek az úton... (Mérai hajnali)

5. Vajdaszentiványi (Korcsos és szöktető)

6. Samu-menet (Kalotaszegi legényes, csárdás és szapora)

7. Bonchidai ritka és sűrű magyar

8. Palatkai (Akasztós, szökős, sebescsárdás és korcsos)

9. Mérai lakodalmas I. (Kalotaszegi csárdás és csingerálás)

10. Mérai lakodalmas II.

CD's price: 18.50 USD

